The Rocky Mountain Scottish Terrier Club (RMSTC) was established in 1978 by a group of individuals desiring to create a club whose focus would emphasize the enjoyment of their companion Scotties while also offering members opportunities for fellowship and Scottie related activities. At that time, another club also existed in the area with a slightly different emphasis, centered around showing and breeding their Scotties. In the years since, both clubs have prospered, each offering their membership opportunities related to their different agendas but each emphasizing a shared objective: the support and advancement of the Scottish Terrier breed of dog.
From those modest beginnings, the RMSTC steadily grew, adding more members each year. Today the Club is an active, vibrant, diverse organization reflecting the ideas and interests of its membership numbering approximately 100 households. Although we are based in the Greater Denver Area, we have members scattered far and wide—from Hawaii to Sweden and many U.S. states in-between. While Scottie owners often share a well recognized reputation for being as strong willed, independent, opinionated and principled as their Scotties, there is one simple constant in play amongst all the members of the RMSTC: they are devoted to their Scotties. There is simply no limit to the dedication and commitment Scottie owners have to their companions.
Beginning in the mid-1980s, the focus of the RMSTC began to broaden. The purebred dog rescue movement in the United States had its beginnings at about this same time when many people began to realize that members of their favorite breed, whatever it might be, were languishing in shelters and humane societies around the Country. That realization tended to dispel the commonly held myth that only mixed breed dogs found themselves in such undesirable situations. Some club members sought out ways to assist and contribute to this growing breed rescue movement. Today, many club members volunteer in support of Rocky Mountain Scottie Rescue.
RMSTC at Events
The RMSTC has long recognized the importance of conducting outreach activities with the general public. Information about the Scottish Terrier, its origins, temperament, care needs and personality as well as information about the Club and its programs is offered through a variety of venues. Significant effort has been devoted to this very important activity over the years through participation in the Colorado Tartan Day Festival; the Celtic Harvest Festival Edgewater; the Boulder County Humane Society’s Cause for Paws Walk-A-Thon; the Larimer County Humane Society’s Fire Hydrant 5 Fundraiser; the Longmont PetExpo; the Denver Pet Expo; the Denver Saint Patrick’s Day Parade; the Dumb Friends’ League Furry Scurry; the Capital Hill People’s Fair; the Longs Peak Scottish-Irish Highlands Festival; and the Highlands Ranch Scottish Festival. These events represent but a few of the many outreach activities participated in over the years by RMSTC members and their Scotties.
Meetings and events are held during most months of the year. During the more weather favorable months, outdoor events, which include our Scotties, are held and always well attended. Members are encouraged to invite friends and guests to our meetings and events so that they may too become familiar with the RMSTC and its activities.
The Scottie Scuttlebutt
The Scottie Scuttlebutt, is our quarterly newsletter. The Scuttlebutt provides our far-reaching membership and friends the opportunity to share their personal Scottie experiences along with a wide variety of Scottie information including Rescue stories, Club outreach activities, and Scottie health articles. If you are interested in subscribing to The Scottie Scuttlebutt, please send us a completed Scottie Scuttlebutt Subscription Form.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the RMSTC or would just like more information about the club and its activities and programs, please fill out and submit our on-line Membership Application Form. One of our members will be happy to contact you to answer your questions and share more information about the RMSTC and its membership process.